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Hear the Voices

Hear the Voices


to the voices




then waved


and did not change


of the voices




now weave


and must now change

Voices Subdued

I believe all voices must be heard, but we have not heard them, though they have screamed. The Black people and people of color who daily walk and sleep in fear due to the systems of racism that creep into and steal the American dream for equality for all Americans.

Although I have recently written about this here, I am aware how feeble this is, this attempt to help. But know this: whatever you can do and voice is better than the silence that has subdued the screams for help.

Laura Gibbs, in her recent post, Twitter Highlights: June 4, shared two resources I think will help-- because educators can not be silent:

Learning from diverse sources helps us stand back and notice events and ideas from a broader perspective into which we can dig for more concise narratives that may provide a more complete picture, one that honors more than one viewpoint and story.

As someone who now stays home due to the virus that has disrupted the world, my support can be in writing and poetry and art. Write letters to our local representatives. If you live in Washington State, this page will help you find your legislators. Google a similar page for your state.

Blog and create art, like I have here.

Do what you can!

How do you listen to the voices? How do those voices affect your actions locally?

Go boldly and scatter seeds of kindness... Reflect curiosity and wonder... Live to make the world less difficult for each other. ~ George Eliot


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