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Childhood Objects


Kim Douillard, a #clmooc friend, writes a fantastic photography/reflection/education blog called "Thinking Through My Lens."

Today, she wrote about Puzzles, something she doesn't usually do and to which she and her husband gravitated to as a time-filler during these covid times, which she addresses as Puzzling Times.

The world is a puzzle in which we search for connections that help us make sense of the not just the big picture, but of each part adjacent to us.

Childhood Memories

So I began to wonder, "What childhood objects and activities are others reconnecting with during these times?"

The above image of a puzzle, Izzi, would have been one I would have loved as a child, and one my grandchildren will remember fondly, as it was a favorite for them when they visited as youngsters.

As I continued my thoughts, I remembered that I'd connected childhood toys and activities in prior posts:

In Childhood Objects, I ramble through several activities during my childhood and reflected on how those brought me to enjoy puzzles and problem-solving and not to be contained. This is not surprising if you read yesterday's post. [2013]

In CLMooc Unflattening, I connect puzzles, art, and writing to an open, connected, and personalized education system, something I hope becomes real now that schools may enter an online or blended mode for the foreseeable future. [2015]

A Favorite: Card Games

If I were in need of a kid or family game, my favorite activity when inside with cousins would be a card game. We spent hours playing cards-- all ages together. Kings in the Corner and Crazy Eights were the favorites. And I probably knew over 50 different solitaire games.  I found a site with the rules for several that I have played: Solitaire Card Games. I / we were never bored.

With the kids and adults, we played a group solitaire game from a solitaire game we called "Demons," but it is also called Canfield. The rules for playing as a group, where it is called Frenzy.

If you remember playing cards, but not the rules, many are probably found here: 40 Great Card Games for All Occasions.

My favorite card game now is one I found in Spokane at Uncles: Fluxx by Looney Labs. I also have Zombie Fluxx, Fairy Tale Fluxx, and Star Trek Flux. Same idea, with themed twists. Scroll down on the Looney Labs site for more.

What do you think?

Thanks to Kim for taking me down this memory lane to find resources for others who may need some fun games for families.

And, if you really want to do a puzzle, but have none, try these online:

Jigsaw Puzzle Planet
My own puzzle: Kitty Outside

Now, back to my question:

"What childhood objects and activities are others reconnecting with during these times?"

Go boldly and scatter seeds of kindness... Reflect curiosity and wonder... Live to make the world less difficult for each other. ~ George Eliot


  1. I started doing an extra credit "biographical story" option just last semester, and the students were SO INTO IT. This would make a great prompt to add to my list, so I am going to go do that now before I forget! :-)

    1. Ha. Way to go. Right now. I know--because I know I already forgot my idea for today's post. :)

  2. DONE! Here's the list of prompts I've been using. A lot of the other prompts came from Melanie Faith's Flash Fiction book which is so good! I think it's just $2.99 as a Kindle; I loved it. :-)

    1. Great list of prompts. Add "notes" on their process is something I did with my students. I might blog about that today. Thanks for sharing. I bought that book!


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